*THE UHURU TORCH MARATHON (MBIO ZA MWENGE WA UHURU) inaugurates a tshs 50m/- classroom built for ‘’CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ‘’ on 6/7/21, project built by THE DESK AND CHAIR FOUNDATION and WELFARE AID INTERNATIONAL at Bulale Primary school

The head of the Uhuru Torch Marathon Lieutenant Josephine Paul Mwambashi inaugurated the classroom while passing through the Bulale area whereby many children with special needs could not go to school due to no availability of facilities like good classrooms
The Uhuru Torch marathon is one of the most important national events/occasions and is done in the whole country and different projects are inaugurated at this time

This construction of classroom has been fully sponsored by an Australian based organisation named THE WELFARE AID INTERNATIONAL by the families of Al Haji Hossneih Hussain Khalife Kawtarani

It has facilities like 3 toilets, a bathroom, a kitchen, a store and water supply with 3000 litres water reserve tank for constant water supply in kitchen and toilets
The photos enclosed are self-explanatory
The classroom can accommodate 40 students and today the first day 37 students have registered
The authorities, school management and parents, all prayed and thanked the donors for their timely help
May Allah repay the donors abundantly.