Kamran, Ahmed and Haris - Fundraising page Donate Our birthplace is in the region of Indus Valley - The magnificent valley watered by the mighty Indus river that takes the water from the five beautiful rivers to the sea from Himalayas in Pakistan and India. However, due to us polluting the environment those mighty rivers couldn't take any more and raged outside their banks, so much so at one point creating a 100km wide lake on farming lands. Scale of this Humanitarian & Financial Crisis With $30 billion+ in losses, 1/3 Pakistan is under water, mainly the villages, country towns and farming lands 33 Million+ population impacted Thousands of lives lost and a lot more are suffering with diseases 2 Million+ homes wiped out Over 150 bridges destroyed and roads washed out 2 million acres of crop and orchards are lost Countless cattle perished (Sources: CNN, Earth Observatory Nasa Devastating Floods in Pakistan ‘nasa.gov’, UN Secretary-General's remarks to the General Assembly on Pakistan Floods ‘UN.org’)This planet belongs to all of us and we have to do more to save it and work collectively to help the victims. In the words of Helen Keller: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” "We are now in a race against time ahead of the winter" urges @UNReliefChief calling for immediate funding to respond to rising health, hunger and other humanitarian needs in #Pakistan.New @GovtofPakistan-@UN appeal urgently seeks US$816 million: https://t.co/6qjxFhh9Z2 pic.twitter.com/KJAXX1kcSN — UN Humanitarian (@UNOCHA) October 4, 2022 ⚠️ 20.6 million people are in need of humanitarian aid in flood-ravaged #Pakistan.@GovtofPakistan, the @UN and humanitarian partners now require US$816M to scale up life-saving assistance.New response plan: https://t.co/l7F1SM5Gfd pic.twitter.com/4JNlfvmDXV — UN Humanitarian (@UNOCHA) October 4, 2022 Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan's flood-hit areas and said that without sufficient aid many 'won't make it' https://t.co/psc6Q9mlfD pic.twitter.com/Ye1VdZqcbW — Reuters (@Reuters) September 22, 2022 Let's be clear: the Pakistani people did not do this to Pakistan –– we all did, and the high-emitting nations are most responsible. Unless we end our species' addiction to fossil fuels, every country in the world will remain in the crosshairs of the climate breakdown. pic.twitter.com/48xtWK1WfA — Frank Bainimarama (@FijiPM) August 30, 2022 Note: Welfare Aid is registered with ACNC and approved for DGR by ATO. All donations above $2 are tax deductible. After paying the donation online you will get a receipt by email.We know the people in Welfare Aid personally, they are real committed people who do not charge anything and all the money donated (except online transaction fee) are sent to the needy. Donating is easy, quick and secure on this website, so please donate generously.Thank you!Kamran, Ahmed and Haris. Kamran Raza