Our projects Essential Aid Feed a Thousand Families - Ramadan 2024 Many Muslims around the world fast the month of Ramadan not knowing whether they will have food for Iftar that night. Help provide Iftar for a thousand families in Africa and Yemen this year. The Prophet saw: "Whoever provides Iftar to a fasting believer during this month, this will be for them, with Allah, the freeing of their soul (from the Hellfire) and forgiveness for their past sins." This year Welfare Aid's annual campaign is again aiming to provide food hampers to 1000 families in the following countries. Making your donation early means we can plan ahead and purchase and deliver these hampers at the beginning of the holy month. YEMEN- $120 - YIFT KENYA - $60 - KIFT BURKINA FASO - $60 - BKIFTAR GUINEA- $60 - GIFT All 4 Countries - $300 - IFTALL Bank Transfers:Bsb:313140Acc:12375608Ref: [see country code in the poster]