Imam Sajjad Primary Schools, Guinea resources Conakry and Pitta Welfare Aid International is working in Guinea with the Imam Sajjad foundation. We support the Imam Sajjad Primary schools in Conakry and Pitta. The school in Pitta was established in April 2017 and provides quality education to impoverished children in the five surrounding villages, whose people live in very difficult circumstances. It is registered with the Guinean Ministry of Education and runs from 8 am -5 pm. Of this time 5 hours are dedicated to the Guinean curriculum and 3 hours are dedicated to religious education. Students also get a 1-hour break where the children are provided with lunch and have a play break. The school caters for 190 students in 6 different classes and contains a prayer hall and a library. Welfare Aid has helped fund the completion of a second building for the school to provide more classrooms and a hall. We also cover the school's monthly expenses including the provision of meals to the students every day. The target is to raise $80,000 for this project. The school in the capital Conakry has recently received approval to build a school that will provide excellent facilities and host a formal school similar to Pitta. The plan is to have a two-story building (with potential for 5 stories eventually) holding several classrooms each. Work on this new school is ready to begin.Currently, after-hours schools run on the site, providing Quran and Islamic studies education to the local children every evening and on weekends. Our contact person in Guinea is Sheikh Mamadou Bhoye Diallo who oversees the schools. A WAI member from Sydney recently visited Guinea in person (October 2018) and was able to meet the team on the ground and verify all aspects of the project. We call on donors to help with covering the running costs of the schools and especially to help with costs for the new building in Conakry.