Lebanon Disaster Relief resources Lebanon Disaster Relief The explosion at the port of Beirut on the 5th August 2020 has caused loss of life, many injuries, and the displacement of thousands of people. It has also added to the economic strain that the people of Lebanon are feeling. Welfare Aid International is committed to getting help to the victims of this disaster. We are partnering with the WISH Foundation on this project. WISH is a local Australian charity which is also registered with the ACNC and has DGR status. They have extensive experience in Lebanon, and we are honoured to support them in their aid delivery in Lebanon. We urge our donors to give generously to this cause. Please donate directly to the WISH Foundation as per the details on the poster below, or donate via Welfare Aid International's campaign page below. You can also donate via bank transfer: Welfare Aid International BSB 062320 Acc no 10887656 Reference: BRUTAID