Located in the south of Africa, Tanzania is home to high levels of poor sanitisation. It is plagued with many health concerns such as HIV,  malaria, Diarrheal diseases and many more. In Tanzania, 43 million people do not enact basic sanitisation practices. This is due to the lack of hygiene awareness provided. Their access to water, sanitisation and hygiene is very low and in 2012 only 12% of all the Tanzanians had access to these services. In the rural areas there was a 7.5% rate and in the urban areas it was 35%.

 This is a mass cause for diseases to spread such as; diarrhea, respiratory infections, contamination of water and food. A simple awareness campaign to encourage simple hygiene practices such as the action of washing one’s hands with soap can reduce the incidence of diarrhea by an estimated 47 per cent, while the use of proper sanitation can decrease the cases of diarrhea by an estimated 36 per cent.

Welfare Aid International vised over a sanitation project in Tanzania, Mwanza where we were shown around a hospital called Sakatoure by the charity organisation ‘The Desk and Chair Foundation’. The desk and chair foundation are known for their efforts in improving basic necessities for the people of Mwanza. The Sakatoure hospital was found in an unhygienic and unsanitary state for patients to be treated in. The hospital had minimal toilets and garbage disposal facilities.

 Welfare Aid International has collaborated with ‘The Desk and Chair Foundation’ on a project called ‘Toilets and Sanitisation’ to improve the state of the hospital, increase awareness and supply toiletry facilities which are pivotal to minimise such risks that may have a negative impact on human health and well-being.