Yemen Orphan appeal resources TARGET: 95 Orphans @$50 a month The boys and girls of Yemen are growing up in world’s largest humanitarian crisis, now in its fourth year. The need to stop the war on children has never been as urgent as it is at this moment. Nearly 14 million people are at risk of famine. Parents are witnessing their children waste away, while vehicles transporting food are targets of attack. 2 million children are out of school and are at risk of exploitation and abuse. The children of Yemen have been robbed of their basic rights to life, health and education. With our partners in Yemen, our teams are helping thousands of children get the vital care they need. But we need your help to continue. We have pledged to support 95 Orphans who have lost their father with education and welfare. The cost is a mere $50 a month. Donate by Direct Deposit today BANK: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account Name: Welfare Aid International BSB: 062320 Account Number: 10887656 Please use the REF: Y30O